
My name is Vladimir Grinenko.

Vladimir Grinenko photo

I'm responsible for Yandex ID web and mobile interfaces as well as QA. Also we work on Smart Captcha.

The team is spread between four different countries.

Before that I was responsible for common component library and BEM, Messenger, Directory and a lot of internal services, part of which are available within Yandex Cloud. Plus Bootcamp.

I work at Yandex for more than 12 years and during this time I managed to participate at the most different projects. Started with Main page of the portal.

Before Yandex I led my own design studio having two offices.

I'm active open source contributor: a member of 20 organizations on github, have more than 200 repos at my own account and maintain more that 100 packages at npm.

I speak at conferences a lot. I stopped counting when the number of talks exceeded 50. Most of the talks are in Russian but there are some in English as well. For example in Australia, Holland, Israel, India, Belgium, Romania and China. I'm an organizer of BEMups — meetups about BEM and a teacher at Yandex Interface school. Conducted more than 200 job interviews.

Visited 37 countries.

See Russian version here.